
Large global organizations use large ERP platforms as the bedrock of their business operations. Much of the business functions typically reside on such large single instance platforms. These organizations however need more agile platforms to augment their core ERP platforms. The need for agility arises from having to cater to ever changing requirements in product distribution channels. More often than not, these channels need to cater to local market requirements to stay competitive in their respective markets. On the other hand, some of the mid-sized organization have the need to move on to a cloud based ERP platform which seamlessly integrates with other collaboration and e commerce platforms. The cloud provisioned platform takes away the need to managing version upgrades, hardware management etc.

Solutions Offerings

Canus Tech’s Microsoft Dynamics (MSD) services are targeted to meet the needs of both these customer bases. The MSD platform easily integrates with products like SAP and Oracle to provide add on distribution capability in a highly agile environment. The MSD services are also tailored in a manner that it can deliver the full ERP functionality and commerce functionality through MS Azure cloud. The customer have an option to go for an on-premise application should they so desire. The MSD services include functions like financial management, trade & logistics, POS solution, content management etc. integrated with an existing SharePoint collaboration suite.Canus Tech maintains a consistent track record of implementing customized solutions for organizations running on components from the Microsoft stack. Our Microsoft team is uniquely positioned to deliver solutions that create competitive advantages for our clients. In fact, we have implemented employee productivity solutions with SharePoint and Dynamics CRM, increased productivity by implementing Microsoft Azure cloud hosting and driving more efficient IT infrastructure with Microsft Systems Center for clients around the world.